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  Site strip
Posted by: Marcus - 09-05-2018, 01:49 PM - Replies (6)

Could you explain why overlapping site strip depths are accumulated instead of using the approach taken for offsets which prioritise elements lower in the list over those above?

Thank you.

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  Failed to get all triangles in region
Posted by: kolney - 08-29-2018, 07:12 AM - Replies (1)

Hi - I'm working my way through a large car park re-model and I've had a message to say "Failed to get all Triangles in Region".
This is in relation to a small landscaped area at the end of a car park bay - Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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  Server Install
Posted by: Garion - 08-15-2018, 10:12 AM - Replies (1)


I've been using Kubla Cubed for over a year now, but am currently the only one in the office to use it.
Is it possible to install to our server so that the single license can be used from various computers, one user at a time?
Or would we just have to buy more licenses?



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  Multiple platform adjustments
Posted by: Marcus - 08-05-2018, 04:05 PM - Replies (1)

Firstly a big thumbs up for the latest updates; I love the continued improvements you make to the software.

Regards possible future ideas, I have had the following problem.

I sometimes work on large housing projects (100+ properties). For each house I place a platform with a level and an offset to reach the desired formation levels. On my last scheme I applied an offset of 0.6m. Later this was amended to 0.5m. This meant going through all 100 platforms and individually changing the offset.

Perhaps it would be possible to select multiple platforms at once so the change can be applied in one go?

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  Site Imbalance
Posted by: mikeperik - 07-30-2018, 12:01 PM - Replies (5)

I'm an owner/builder who bought Kubla Cubed to help with determining the site imbalance of my home build.  I was hoping I could use it to minimize the back and forth with the site plan engineer and my excavator.  The issue I'm having is that the Net volume I'm getting with Kubla Cubed is significantly different then what my excavator is coming up with in his calculation.  I tend to believe him since he has been doing it for 25+ years and he was spot on for another project he did for me.

I've attached the kubla file for this project.  I'm trying to eliminate the porches and garage from the fill imbalance since I will need to fill with gravel to avoid compaction of any soil in those areas.  So I'm really only looking at the cut of the basement and the grading as my points for determining the imbalance.

He is coming up with around 1000 cu yds of fill.  I'm coming up with about 200 cu yds of extra fill.    Interestingly enough if I move the features in the proposed grading down to the bottom, then I show a 1,000 cu yd fill imbalance.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?


I'm having some difficulty attaching the Kubla Project file.

Like for KSP file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_cgBjX...SnzXInNj9W

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  Drainage measurement
Posted by: Marcus - 07-24-2018, 06:51 PM - Replies (1)

This probably goes way beyond the scope of what is intended for this software, but it seems to me that this could be a good platform for the measurement of drainage.

I have looked hard for a software package which can measure drainage. The only example I have found is MasterBill. I got a demo of the software; the drainage package looks good but unfortunately it is only sold as a add-on to the main measurement software (which is expensive).

Once all the proposed levels have been applied in Kubla Cubed, manholes could be plotted with invert levels/depths for each one and drain runs could be plotted between the manholes. This could produce a schedule of the length of drain runs in different depth categories and produce a spreadsheet in line with SMM7 or NRM2 measurement practices.

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Photo Swales
Posted by: KevinD - 07-11-2018, 03:08 PM - Replies (3)

I have to assess the quantities of a long swale around a property. As typical the swale is wider at the top than it is at the bottom, meaning that the batters are in effect negative. However, by design the batter is steeper on one side than it is on the other (see attached profile)

How do I do this inside of Kubla?



Attached Files
.png   Swale.png (Size: 6.9 KB / Downloads: 20)
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Posted by: KevinD - 06-21-2018, 03:25 PM - No Replies

I'm sure this is a common issue and one for which there is a solution. I just cannot find it.

I'm dealing with a large car park remodeling project and the first task is strip off the existing asphalt. Easy: use the strip approach, set the depth to 2" and the task is done.

Not so however!

Located throughout the existing car park are concrete islands. I've attached and example. Those islands also have to be broken out and disposed off and I've also used the strip approach to deal with them - this time the depth was set to 6"

The problem I'm trying to resolve is generated by the fact that the asphalt strip doesn't ignore these concrete islands, so that in these areas it's effectively reduced the ground level by another 2", i.e. when compared with the existing level, the reduced level in these island areas is now -8"

How do I omit these island areas from a strip measure or get the strip approach to ignore them?

My own work around is to simply use the spread option to refill these areas; doing so sorts out the level issue; but it does mess with my quantities


(opps! forgot to attached example - edited to correct0

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Posted by: KevinD - 06-21-2018, 03:04 PM - Replies (1)

I'm working on a large earthworks project made up of a number of phases . The site is large and the phases I've referred to are individual mini-projects spread out over the entire site plan. Each phase needs to be dealt with individually, even though ultimately, of course, they overlap. As a result my Kubla project now has a lot of tabs dealing with the construction phases. This is now making navigating cumbersome. The ability to be able to hide tabs would be useful.

For example the work to measure the remodeling of an existing berm is now complete and by the time I was done I had created 23 individual tabs. As I don't have to do anything more with those tabs (at least for now) it would be great to be able to hide them.

By the way, just in case anyone suggests that I should create an entirely new Kubla Project for the next phase; I thought about that. It doesn't work. This is because I have work elements in the new phase that overlap with the berm remodeling phase - Asphalt paving is a very good example.

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Posted by: KevinD - 06-09-2018, 04:32 PM - Replies (4)

Feature Request:

I'm working on a complicated ground works project in the sense that the overall scheme (on a large site) is made up of a number of sub-projects. In order to make sense of the work, particularly for payment purposes I've created a lot of tabs. Having to click on a tab to reveal the "move left" and "move right" option is a right royal pain...particularly when you can only move it one step at a time. I'd like to request drag and drop functionality aka Excel. Also the ability to be able to copy a tab would be very useful.



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