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Earthworks help


(05-17-2017, 01:59 PM)Garion Wrote: Hi,

I'm after a bit of help if possible, We have purchased Kubla today and I've been working on the cut and fill for a project we've just started.
I have all the existing levels set up no problem, but I was wondering is there a way to do a full proposed levels map (as you get in the surface tool) but using different areas? as I have different construction thicknesses (offsets) in various areas. At the moment I'm doing a surface for each different external surface I need to measure, but it would simplify things if I could do a full level plot then add my areas to it.
I would also like to know if there is a way to export (or find out) the cut and fill volumes in depth catagories, i.e. to fit in with SMM7 not exceeding .25m/1m/2m, 2-4m etc?


Hi Garion 

Welcome to the forums!  Some of our other members have been talking about this here in the feedback section.  They also mention the SMM7 requirement.  One of our engineers - Leo has been managing this work item and has said that it is due for release in the next update V3.23.  He has developed a method of slicing the volume mesh at any section.  It might be a good idea for you to post in that thread saying you are also after that feature.  I will make a note to let you know when it is released also.  It is particularly important to let Leo know if you have any special requirements above what has already been mentioned by the other members in that thread.  As I understand he is making a UI where you can specify custom bands of cut\fill reporting.  This will then display in the export initially, eventually we hope to integrate it into the heads up display\stats panel thing.

In relation to the regions we have also had a lot of feedback in regard to that and we are investigating a solution.  However that is a bit more long term, I don't have a release date for that as yet.  The solution you have devised is one method (separate surfaces with separate offsets) another way is to use strips to strip off the construction thickness.  

IMPORTANT : The strips have to be on the same construction phase as the surface and below the surface in the calculation order.  This is essential because otherwise the strips will strip into the existing rather than strip out of the surface.

Let me know if this makes sense ?

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Earthworks help - by Garion - 05-17-2017, 01:59 PM

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